If you work for a credit union in Canada, you are qualified to become an Each One, Teach One (EOTO) trainer in your community.
To become an EOTO trainer, you will need to attend three days of mandatory training to learn how to work with adult learners, and to become familiar with the financial literacy curriculum. You will also need to be committed to the idea of delivering plain language, basic financial literacy skills in community with the understanding that this is not a place to sell products or services.
After you’ve been certified as a trainer, you’ll deliver four community workshops within the following year. You’ll also look for opportunities to deliver the EOTO curriculum with community organizations through your own networks and you will respond to the opportunities from your own financial institution.
I’m interested, what’s next?
Contact us with your name, your credit union name and your work email address and we’ll get back to you with more information on the quickest way to get trained.
Trainer Resources
Certified EOTO trainers have access to many resources, tools and materials to help them prepare for and deliver each of the EOTO workshops in their communities.
These resources are located on the Canadian Credit Union Association’s learning platform CCUA Campus. Member login is required. To request access, contact us.
Contact us